Grand Prix Kyoto 2018
Organizer:CFB Events / Management:BIG MAGIC
Only the team leader will register for the event. Therefore, your team leader must have all the information about your team members (Name, DCI Number, Country).
If one of your team members is registered with another team, the registration of both teams will be cancelled.
【Online registration】
[Deadline for online registration] Dec 26, 2017 (Thu) - Mar 13, 2018 (Thu) 3pm Japan time
【Main event entry fee】30,000 yen.(1 team)
【Capacity】We accepted participation of 756 teams by the 3rd Online registration.(March 14 change)
*Play mat will be limited to the first 500 teams.
*Once registration reaches 500 teams, registration will be temporarily closed while we change the registration form.
*If you chose payment method with "bank transfer"" Yuucho transfer", please complete the payment within 1 week.
*If one week passes without confirmation of payment, your registration will be cancelled and you will be notified by email. You may then register online again.
Grand Prix Kyoto 2018 Online registration closed because it reached capacity.

【Registration on site】
Since we reached the capacity at Online registration, we will not accept Registration on site.
【Written approval】
Players must have a signed waiver and consent form to compete at Grand Prix Kyoto 2018.
Minors must have a parent of guardian's signature on these forms.
Download of Consent and Release is here.
【Deck list】
Otherwise, please hand in the form at the time of the player meeting from 9 o'clock.
The deck list is here. Please print and bring it.
【Grand Prix exclusive playmat】
The first 500 teams to register will receive a set of three exclusive playmats.
Playmats can be picked up at the Side Events Prize Exchange booth on-site during the event.
Note: Receivable time of playmats will be until Sunday 19:00.

Fact sheet
【Main event player meeting time】
March 24th(Sat) 8:45 Seat All announced. / 9:00 Starting player's meeting /20:00 Round 8 end
March 25th(Sun) 8:45 Announcing paring. / 9:00 Starting round /15:00 Swiss Round end /19:00 End
*You do not have to be in the hall on Friday if you have finish online registration.
*All times are estimates and subject to change.
•Team Trios Constructed
Each team will consist of three players.
Each team must have a Standard player, a Modern player, and a Legacy player.
•Players should review the Magic Tournament Rules for the rules specific to Team Tournaments, paying particular attention to the following sections:
-8.2 Section 8.2: Team Composition and Identification
-8.3 Section 8.3: Team Communication Rules
•Each deck must be constructed in accordance with the rules of its format. Unified Construction rules are not in effect.
•Decklists are required.
•Players must use the same deck on Day Two that they use on Day One.
•Modified Swiss-style (50-minute rounds)
•Day One will consist of 8 Swiss Rounds. Day Two will consist of 6 Swiss Rounds and the Top 4 single-elimination playoff.
•All teams with an X-2-0 record (or better) or the top 40 teams - whichever is greater - advance to the second day of competition for prizes and invitations.
•The Top 4 teams after the final Swiss round on Day Two will advance to the Top 8 single-elimination playoff.
•Top 4 playoff matches will be best 2 of 3 per individual match, with no time limit. (Players are still expected to play at a normal pace and complete playoff matches in a reasonable amount of time.)
•Only 1 round will be played in the semi-finals and finals.
•Standings after the Swiss rounds will be used to determine final order in the standings for losing teams in the semifinal playoff rounds.
•For the first game of each match in the playoff, the players on the team that finished higher in the Swiss rounds chooses either to play first or to play second. For subsequent games in each Top 4 playoff match, the usual Play/Draw rule applies (loser of the previous game decides whether to play first in the next game).
•Planeswalker Points multiplier 8x, Rules Enforcement Level (REL) is Competitive on Day One and Professional on Day Two.
•The Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and the Magic: The Gathering Infraction Procedure Guide are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document. Rules documents can be found in the Magic Document Center.
•Players are responsible for bringing their own method of tracking life totals, card sleeves, and appropriate counters or tokens.
•In the event that a player who wins an invitation to a Pro Tour stop at a Grand Prix has already qualified for an invitation, the invitation does not pass down under any circumstances. Previous qualification may be through a Qualifier tournament, through performance at a professional tournament, or by being an invited DCI player (valid upon the date of the official rank announcement for the appropriate professional tournament).
【Prize Money】

【Pro Points】
Top 4 Teams receive Pro Points based on rank. All other players receive Pro Points based on their match point total at the end of the event.

*If Grand Prix attendance is 0-999 teams, prize money will be paid out to 24th place. If Grand Prix attendance is at or over 1,000 teams, prize money will be paid out to 58th place.
Attendance at a Grand Prix is calculated on participation, not preregistration. The Tournament Organizer will announce Grand Prix attendance as soon as this is confirmed. Tournament attendance and standing are subject to review by Wizards of the Coast before being finalized.
Prize money is awarded per team.
All prizes displayed in U.S. dollars. Prizes subject to change.
Top 4 teams and all teams with 36 match points or greater at the end of the event also earn invitations and airfare to Pro Tour 25th Anniversary in Minneapolis, MN from August 3-5, 2018.
Pro Points earned at this event count toward the Dominaria (Mar. 3, 2018 - Jun. 10, 2018) cycle for the Pro Tour Players Club.
Byes are not offered for Team events.
【Hall Information】
March 23rd(Fri) / 10:00 open -20:00 close
March 24th(Sat) / 9:00 open -20:00 close
March 25th(Sun) / 9:00 open - 20:00 close
* All times are estimates and subject to change.
【Venue Map】
【Kyoto Pulse Plaza】
Address:〒612-8450 Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto, Fushimi Ward, Takeda Tobadonocho, 5
Official site
【Kyoto Rakunan Express (R'EX)】
(Direct bus between JR Kyoto station and Grand Prix Venue.)

【Travel access】

【By train】

【Last train time of Shinkansen from Kyoto Station】
・To Tokyo Station 21:37
・To Nagoya Station 22:46
・To Hakata Station 21:10
・MK Taxi【075-778-4141】
・Yasaka Taxi【075-842-1212】
・Miyako Taxi【075-661-6611】
・Kyoto Daiichi Koutsu【075-622-4000】
【By Bus】
From Takeda Station(Subway or Kintetsu)
Take City or Keihan Bus from Takeda Station West Exit No.4 to "Pulse Plazamae".
From Chushojima Station(Keihan)
Take City or Keihan Bus from Chushojima Station North Exit to "Pulse Plazamae".
From JR Kyoto Station
Take R'ex Bus(Express Bus) from Kyoto Station Hachijo Exit to "Kyoto Pulse Plaza/Kyoseramae".
【By Air】
From Kansai International Airport to Kyoto Station
About 75 minutes by Airport Express "HARUKA", or about 85 minutes by Limousine Bus.
From Osaka Itami Airport to Kyoto Station
About 55 minutes by Limousine Bus.
Hotel & Travel
We prepared a collection of hotels' links. We would be pleased if it helps with the reservation.
Kyoto travel guide
Side event
*All side event schedule are current plan(Dec 2017), so it may be added or changed.
*You are able to get some card picking up by "booster draft" and opening pack by "sealed"
Scheduled Event Common Prizes

Masters 25th Challenge Event Prize (per Team)

Friday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed 1
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Friday Sealed 1
【Format】Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Modern 1
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Standard 1
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Legacy 1
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed 2
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Friday Sealed 2
【Format】Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Modern 2
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Standard 2
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Legacy 2
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Tribal Modern
【Format】Casual Modern
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Include more than 20 cards that share the same card type in Mainboard. Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes. Additional 4 wins - 1 《Mutavault》 GP promo.
Friday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed 3
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Friday Sealed 3
【Format】Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Modern 3
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Standard 3
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Legacy 3
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed 4
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Friday Chaos Booster Draft
【Format】Casual Draft
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Booster Draft of using non-standard Packs. Swiss 2 Rounds.
【Prize】2-0 Rivals of Ixalan Japanese 6 Packs. 1-1 Rivals of Ixalan Japanese 3 Packs.
Friday Combo King Legacy
【Format】Casual Legacy
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 3 game but time limit are 25 min! Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Friday 1 Game Standard
【Format】Casual Standard
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 1 game and time limit are 25 min! Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Double-UP-Prizes Standard(Standard 1)
【Entry Fee】4,500JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
Participation - 1《Mutavault》 GP promo.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes x2 (Double Prizes).
Japan Commander Championship Spring
【Format】Multi Players Commander
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Max 6 Rounds.
Detailed rule and Prize are here.
Saturday Asia Modern Championship 2018 Trial(Modern 1)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】12 match points players get 1 bye, Asia Modern Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 19th,2018). Or winner get 1 bye if nobody is 12 match points players.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Asia Legacy Championship 2018 Trial(Legacy 1)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】12 match points players get 1 bye, Asia Legacy Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 18th,2018). Or winner get 1 bye if nobody is 12 match points players.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Asia Vintage Championship 2018 Trial(Vintage 1)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】12 match points players get 1 bye, Asia Vintage Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 19th,2018). Or winner get 1 bye if nobody is 12 match points players.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Asia Duel Commander Championship 2018 Trial
【Format】1 vs 1Commander (MTGO Rule)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】12 match points players get 1 bye, Asia Duel Commander Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 18th,2018). Or winner get 1 bye if nobody is 12 match points players.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Sealed 1
【Format】Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Modern 2
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Saturday 1 Game Standard
【Format】Casual Standard
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 1 game and time limit are 25 min! Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Combo King Legacy
【Format】Casual Legacy
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 3 game but time limit are 25 min! Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Saturday Turbo Draft(Ixalan block)
【Format】Casual Draft
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round.
【Prize】Winner - 6 packs.
Japan Legacy Championship Spring with KMC(Legacy 1)
【Entry Fee】4,000JPY
【Capacity】226 Players
【Note】Max 8 Rounds+ TOP8 SE.
【Prize】Participation 1 《Mutavault》 GP promo.
Winner - Rivals of Ixalan Complete set(Japanese/FOIL) and exclusive 3 canvas art.
2nd - Rivals of Ixalan Complete set(Japanese/Normal) and exclusive 《Mutavault》 canvas art.
3rd/4th - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 2 boxes.
5-8th Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 1 BOX.
Other players will get some packs depend on your record after swiss round.
6 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 16 Packs.
5 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 8 Packs.
4 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 4 Packs.
3 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 2 Packs.
MMM(Monthly Modern Masters) in Grand prix Kyoto2018(Modern 1)
【Entry Fee】4,000JPY
【Capacity】226 Players
【Note】Max 8 Round, only swiss round.
【Prize】Participation 1 《Mutavault》 GP promo.
Winner - Rivals of Ixalan Complete set(Japanese/FOIL) and exclusive 3 oversized cards.
2nd - Rivals of Ixalan Complete set(Japanese/Normal) and exclusive 《Mutavault》 oversized card.
3rd - 8th Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 1 BOX.
Other players will get some packs depend on your record after swiss round.
6 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 16 Packs.
5 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 8 Packs.
4 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 4 Packs.
3 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 2 Packs.
Pro Tour 25th Anniversary Qualifier
Registration slip is required for reception. Registration slip are also available at the venue.
【Format】TeamSealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】21,000JPY(1 Team)
【Note】Maximum Capacity: 256 Teams. 5 Rounds (<128 teams="" 6="" rounds="">128 Teams)
Cut to Top 4. Semi Finals: Sealed Deck. Finals: Ixalan Booster Draft.
【Prize】1st - Invitation + Flight to Pro Tour 25th Anniversary.
2nd-4 th Rivals of Ixalan 1 Complete set(Japanese/Normal) and Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 2 BOX.
Other players will get some packs depend on your record after swiss round.
6 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 24 Packs.
5 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 20 Packs.
4 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 16 Packs.
3 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 12 Packs.
2 wins - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 8 Packs.
1 win - Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 4 Packs.
Sunday Tribal Modern
【Format】Casual Modern
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Include more than 20 cards that share the same card type in Mainboard. Swiss 4 Rounds. Deck list is required.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Additional 4 wins - 1 《Mutavault》 GP promo.
Sunday Asia Vintage Championship 2018 Trial(Vintage 1)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
12 match points get 1 bye (Max 2 Byes), Asia Vintage Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 19th,2018).If nobody is 12 match points, winner get 1 bye instead of 12 match point player.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Chaos Sealed Grand Melee
【Format】Chaos Sealed Grand Melee
【Entry Fee】8,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Check CR:807 for detailed Grand Melee rules. Also, please bring your own playmat for playing in this event.
Each player will receive 6 packs for sealed and 3 random booster packs.
If a player loses, that player gives a pack he/she has to the player to the right.
If you knock down other 2 players and more, you get extra random pack.
Booster packs he/she has at the end of the event will be the prizes.
Winner- Rivals of Ixalan Japanese version 4BOXes.
Sunday Pauper
【Format】Pauper (Magic Online legal cards and ban list)
【Entry Fee】500JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】Winner get 1 Pack every round.
Sunday Tiny Leaders
【Format】Tiny Leaders
【Entry Fee】500JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 1 Game. Check tiny leaders format( http://tinyleaders.blogspot.jp/) Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】Winner get 1 Pack every round.
Sunday Asia Duel Commander Championship 2018 Trial
【Format】1 vs 1Commander(Magic Online format)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
12 match points get 1 bye (Max 2 Byes), Asia Duel Commander Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 18th,2018).If nobody is 12 match points, winner get 1 bye instead of 12 match point player.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Asia Legacy Championship 2018 Trial(Legacy 2)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Max Swiss 4 Rounds.
12 match points get 1 bye (Max 2 Byes), Asia Legacy Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 18th,2018).If nobody is 12 match points, winner get 1 bye instead of 12 match point player.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Masters 25th Challenge Team Constructed
【Format】Trio Team Constructed
【Entry Fee】7,500JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Masters 25th Challenge Prize.
Sunday Two-heads Giant Sealed
【Format】Two-heads Giant Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】4,000JPY(1Team)
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Asia Modern Championship 2018 Trial(Modern 2)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
12 match points get 1 bye (Max 2 Byes), Asia Modern Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 19th,2018).If nobody is 12 match points, winner get 1 bye instead of 12 match point player.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Frontier
【Entry Fee】500JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Check Frontier's rule
【Prize】Winner get 1 Pack every round.
Sunday Asia Old School Championship 2018 Trial
【Format】93/94 constructed(CFBE format)
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds. Check 93/94constructed rule.
【Prize】12 match points get 1 bye (Max 2 Byes), Asia Old school Championship 2018(Yokohama Aug 18th,2018).If nobody is 12 match points, winner get 1 bye instead of 12 match point player.
See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Sealed 1
【Format】Sealed (Ixalan Block)
【Entry Fee】3,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Modern 3
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Standard 1
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Legacy 3
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】128 Players
【Note】Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday 1 Game Standard
【Format】Casual Standard
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 Round is 1 game and time limit are 25 min! Swiss 4 Rounds.
【Prize】See Scheduled Event Common Prizes.
Sunday Turbo Draft(Ixalan block)
【Format】Casual Draft
【Entry Fee】2,000JPY
【Capacity】64 Players
【Note】1 round only.
【Prize】Winner will take 6 Packs.
On demand event - Constructed
【Format】Standard / Modern / Legacy
Fri 12:00-17:00
Sat 12:00-17:00
Sun 9:00-17:00
【Note】Single elimination 3 round.
Winner - 24 packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
Finalist - 12 Packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
3rd,4th - 2 Packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
※There is no special playmat.
On demand event - Booster Draft
【Format】Booster draft(Ixalan Block)
Fri 12:00-16:30
Sat 12:00-16:30
Sun 9:00-16:30
【Note】Single elimination 3 round.
Winner - 8 packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
Finalist - 4 Packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
3rd,4th - 2 Packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
※There is no special playmat.
On demand event - Commander
Fri 12:00-17:00
Sat 12:00-17:00
Sun 9:00-17:00
【Note】Each player will receive 3 packs(Rivals of Ixalan).
If a player loses, he/she gives a pack to the player who beats him/her.
Booster packs he/she has at the end of the event will be the prizes.
Stage event
Booster Blitz experience and lesson session

Booster Blitz is using a booster mini limited game that introducing at Pro tour Rivals of Ixalan. Let's experience Booster Blitz,it's casually can enjoying with just 1 pack!
【Overview】Explantions of how to play with 1 pack booster. you can experience Booster Blitz in playspace placed at side of the stage.
Real Momir Basic

Let's play MTGO Momir Basic in the real world! The summoned creatures explain on screen! Don't despise that only creatures,look at the profound abyss of Momir!
【Overview】This event can experience Momir Basic in MTGO. Players using prepared Deck that only basic lands. The winners will receive some prize.
Pauper Challenge

Pauper is buzzing now! The common cards in your closet may see the light of day. You can use in this format the cards that banned and restricted in Eternal! Formats of Magic are infinity!
【Overview】Introduction of Pauper format. You can experience pauper in playspace placed at side of the stage.
Ryuji's Solo-Trios

The format of this GP is Team Trios Constructed! The Euro Champ Ryuji-san is able to Solo-Trios with ease! Standard,Modern,and Legacy,in all of the formats take on challengers with quick-draw burn decks!
【Overview】Spellslinging that Trios vs. a Ryuji. To Spellslings not to wait,Ryuji has time limits. If Ryuji loses,there is a possibility of ice-water challenge? The winning teams receive will some prize.
Magic players grading check

It's not talent grading check, it's Magic players grading check! Maybe you can understand not only their intelligence and graces but also their love for Magic?
【Overview】This event gradings players sponsorship with BIG MAGIC. Start from superstar Magic player, it's possibility fall to Ryuji's apprentice.
Real Momir Basic

Let's play MTGO Momir Basic in the real world! The summoned creatures explain on screen! Don't despise that only creatures,look at the profound abyss of Momir!
【Overview】This event can experience Momir Basic in MTGO. Players using prepared Deck that only basic lands. The winners will receive some prize.
Commander Isogami's unuseful Commander quiz in Commander games

BIG MAGIC's hope star next to Ryuji,the Commander Isogami comes here! The man who born to just for Commander,Commander Isogami presents Commander quiz,it is perhaps unuseful in Commander but maybe a bit of topics if you know it!
【Overview】Commander Isogami quizzes about Commander while telling good points of Commander. The correct answerers will receive some prize.
Magic 25th anniversary quiz

The quiz that celebrating Magic 25th anniversary.
【Overview】The correct answerers receive some prize.
Magic drawing championship

It's very popular Magic drawing championship! Maybe future Magic artists appear from here?
【Overview】Participants are drawing a picture that chosen Magic card. Participant who most receives applause will get prize.
25 cartons carrying

The destiny will decided by how fast carrying cartons!
【Overview】This event is time attack that competes for the time to carrying magic cartons to the designated place. Participants that break muscle-Ryuji's mark will receive some prize.
Magic background:History of Dominaria

Introducing Magic story toward the release of Dominaria!
【Overview】Displaying images on screen while following the history of Dominaria.
Magic art quiz

It can't figure out with only art? If you try zoom it,there may be unexpected discoveries.
【Overview】Say the card name displaying on screen. The correct answerers will receive some prize.
Real Momir Basic

Let's play MTGO Momir Basic in the real world! The summoned creatures explain on screen! Don't despise that only creatures,look at the profound abyss of Momir!
【Overview】This event can experience Momir Basic in MTGO. Players using prepared Deck that only basic lands. The winners will receive some prize.
Magic text contest

How much do you know the Magic cards?
【Overview】Fill in the text box given cards.The correct answerers will receive some prize.
Magic testing box offline

Do you have some question for Magic Rule?
【Overview】Official judge (Testing Nakamura,L3)answer your question!
If you have some question, please post your question into"Testing Box"at the venue!
Magic panel challenge

Aim for capture the box,you caputure the Magic trivia!
【Overview】When participants correct a quiz,they get a grid of box numberd 1 to 25. After the all questions are done,the participants will recieve prizes depending on the number of their grid of boxes.
The team love contest 2018

Grand Prix Kyoto 2018 is a Team Trios Constructed Event!!
We will hold an event to decide the BEST team.
Pre-selected 5 teams will challenge the contest on the stage.
They will compete as "team" as to whether it has interests and charm.
These eventa run on side of the stage.
Booster Blitz experience session
Up to 3 round single elimination
The participants will recieve opened packs.
23rd(Fri) 13:30-15:00
24th(Sat) 17:00-19:00
25th(Sun) 13:00-16:00
Pauper experience session
The winners will recieve some prize.
This event using decks that prepared in advance.
23rd(Fri) 16:30-18:30
24th(Sat) 14:00-16:00
Lius Lasahido & Jason A. Engle & rk post will come in GP Kyoto 2018.

-Sketching Session-
■ We will close the line at the start time of the sketching session, so if you would like to participate, be sure to come to the artist booth by that time.■ If there are many people who wish to participate, it will be a lottery. We will hand you the numbering card. Then the artist pick the numbers randomly.
■ Sketching Periods are for card alterations and sketches, which are not for free.
■ The number of acceptance will be announced each session for each artist.
-Signing Session-
■ Each artist will set the price for signing and a limit of the number of cards that can be signed at once one's own.*It may change depending on the congestion situation.
■ Only signing are available during Signing Sessions. Card alterations and sketches are available only during the Sketching Sessions.
■ Each Signing Session will end as soon as the allotted time is over.
■ For purchase only, you can looking at the product without getting in line even during the session. Please notify the artist or staff.
However, we will refuse the signing for items other than those purchased at that time.
■ Times and subject to change depending on demand and artists' preference.
Official Vendors & Food
【About selling card to vender】
All official venders are prohibited to buy cards at their booth.

【About trade】
Trading is, of course, permitted at Grand Prix Kyoto, but some things are NOT permitted on site such as;
・Buying, selling, or soliciting to buy or sell cards with anyone (including official venders)
・Altering cards in exchange for money or any type of compensation.
・Taking up excessive space while trading or transporting excessive amounts of trade stock.
If it's found ,we will ejection from the venue without refund.
【Food Cart Area】
We sell meals in the Grand Prix Kyoto 2018 Food service area.
・Matsuya(Gyumeshi[Beef on rice])
・T's Star Diner(Takatsuki burger)
・Neri miri coffee(Coffee)
・The photos are samples so there may be changes on the day and so on.

Side event coverage

Grand Prix kyoto 2018 Side event coverage updates from time to time on this page. Japanese only.
Trading Info
Trading is, of course, permitted at Grand Prix.
Everyone is welcome to trade cards with the goal of building decks or collecting their favorite cards. Trading cards for the primary purpose of gaining value or earning a profit is restricted to those who have purchased a vendor booth for the event. Buying and selling cards with anyone other than official vendors is strictly prohibited. The enforcement of all event policies is at the sole discretion of the CFB Events staff.
Some additional things aren't permitted on site and may result in ejection from the venue without refund. Examples include:
-Buying, selling, or soliciting to buy or sell cards with anyone except Authorized Vendors.
-Altering cards in exchange for money or any type of compensation.(* Excluding official artists)
-Taking up excessive space while trading or transporting excessive amounts of trade stock.
-Advertising without permission from CFB Events admin staff.
Contact & FAQ
Got Questions?
Check out our Grand Prix FAQ, where we've compiled some of the most common questions about our events. If your question isn't answered there, send an email to taikai@bigmagic.net
【Contact us】
The inquiry about Grand Prix Kyoto 2017 cannot be answered at the BIG MAGIC store.
In the case of the inquiry by the email, Please write in the following information.
・DCI number(Only as for the player)
・Reservation number(Only as for the MAIN EVENT player)